# The Handlebars runtime

# Handlebars.registerPartial(name, partial)

Registers partials accessible by any template in the environment.

Handlebars.registerPartial("foo", partial);

Also supports registering multiple partials at once.

Handlebars.registerPartial({ foo: partial, bar: partial });

If loading the whole library, the partials may be string values which will be compiled on demand. If only loading the runtime, the partials must be a precompiled template that has been set up properly using the Handlebars.template method.

# Handlebars.unregisterPartial(name)

Unregisters a previously registered partial.


# Handlebars.registerHelper(name, helper)

Registers helpers accessible by any template in the environment.

Handlebars.registerHelper("foo", function() {});

Also supports registering multiple helpers at once.

Handlebars.registerHelper({ foo: function() {}, bar: function() {} });

# Handlebars.unregisterHelper(name)

Unregisters a previously registered helper.


# Handlebars.registerDecorator(name, helper) (deprecated)

Deprecation notice

Custom decorators are deprecated and may vanish in the next major version of Handlebars. They expose a too large part of the internal API which is difficult to port to other languages and makes to code harder to maintain.

Registers a decorator accessible by any template in the environment.

Handlebars.registerDecorator("foo", function() {});

Also supports registering multiple decorators at once.

Handlebars.registerDecorator({ foo: function() {}, bar: function() {} });

# Handlebars.unregisterDecorator(name)

Unregisters a previously registered decorator.


# Handlebars.create()

Creates an isolated Handlebars environment.

var OtherHandlebars = Handlebars.create();

Each environment has its own helpers and partials. This is only necessary for use cases that demand distinct helpers or partials. Most use cases can use the root Handlebars environment directly.

Templates created for a given environment are bound to that environment. This means that templates that need to run in multiple environments will need to be recompiled or reconstructed via Handlebars.template for each environment. This applies to partials as well.

# Handlebars.noConflict()

Removes this Handlebars instance from the global namespace, restoring the global Handlebars variable to its previous value.

var myHandlebars = Handlebars.noConflict();

This allows for distinct versions of the library to be used simultaneously without concern for version conflicts.

Last Updated: 1/10/2020, 2:20:14 PM